IHE-RO Connectathon 2018
Basic RT Profile
Prostate Plan (PR1 dataset)

Identify patient data set named BRTO18A12XX, where XX corresponds to your company name(initials). Here are the specifications for the contouring and plan to be done on the prostate cases. This is illustrated with patient 3. This patient has four gold seeds in the prostate. Place as point (to be used as an isocenter) in the most inferior seed, as shown in the figure below. The location of the slice shown is -12.0mm.

Contour the bladder as an organ at risk, approximately between the slices shown below, at -7.0 mm and 53.0 mm.

Contour the right femur as an organ at risk, approximately between the slices shown below, at -7.0 mm and 18.0 mm.

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